Wednesday, February 22, 2012

WIP Wednesday - Martinique Pin Cushion

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Currently in Progess -
Route 44
Nottingham Star
- Lincoln
- ISTH - Schnibbles

I've been quilting up a storm this week, so didn't get to my current projects - except for I did make my first block for my Schnibbles quilt.  I hope to have this quilt top completed before Sunday - so I've got a lot to do with this pattern this week!

After I had the Schnibbles all cut out - I had a few scraps left.  In my effort to use up all my scraps I made this last week.

A little pin cushion with only the aqua color from the Martinique charm packs I'm using.  At first I was thinking I needed to add in some color - but I didn't, and love the results.  Its about 4 x 3 inches.  Cute and little.  I put batting on the back side of the front and quilted it before sewing it together.  It is filled with a mixture of crushed walnut shells and pillow stuffing (is that what it's call?)

At least I finished something this week other than client quilts!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Valentine Chocolates

This is the first quilt I've ever made Mike - sad I know - I've been quilting for about 7 years and this is the first time he's gotten a quilt out of the deal.

 What is even sadder is this fabric is cheater fabric.  Meaning I bought it this way with the patchwork squares already sewn together.  Moda makes these sometimes (use to make them a lot more than I've seen lately) and usually out of 3 Sisters line - which its no secret I adore.
So this fabric was about 5 years old and I finally pulled it out to quilt and bind it.  I have loved this line so much.  The wovens are so soft and comfy.  I thought this would be the perfect quilt for our freezing basement!

The back I might love almost as much as the front - brown houndstooth - it is a heavier weight fabric and I love it.  The binding is by far my favorite fabric in the whole quilt.  Although the wovens are stretchy and pull apart easily - I'm glad I finally got this quilt off my to do list - and I actually surprised Mike with a quilt of his own.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Menu Mondays

Last week I bought stew meat on a whim and made this stroganoff instead of salmon, it was so good - try it!

Monday - Fish Tacos (never got to them last week) w/ fruit
Tuesday - I've got big plans - boys to eat out
Wednesday - Maple Salmon w/fruit
Thursday - Pesto Chicken w/noodles and salad
Friday - Eggs and bacon

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Whit

Yesterday was my little sisters 30th birthday. We had a little surprise party for her and had a wonderful time. It was fun to shower her and the new babe with a few little gift, pizza, and ice cream cake. She has a cute little husband who put the whole party together.

Its a big birthday and an even bigger year coming your way.

Happy Birthday!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Pirates Ahoy!

I bought this fabric in the summer - its a pirate line by Riley Blake.  I saw it and thought how cute it would be for my boys - but couldn't decide on a color way.  So I bought enough to make 3 strip quilts in all 3 color ways.  
 I got this one one in September - and had the blue version and black version ironed and waiting to be completed right along side it.  Funny how time gets away from you.  So the other night it was about 2am - I had completed the Robot quilt and was getting ready to cut the strip quilt out.  Mike wandered down the stairs and scared me to death cause I didn't hear him coming.  Asked me if I was ever coming to bed.  I said, I'm just going to cut the strips, then I'll come up.
 After I cut the strips, I started sewing - and finished the quilt top and made the binding before I went upstairs.  I mean - it was 2am - as soon as he hit the pillow he was snoring again, so I might as well finish the project right?  So glad I did!
I love a good strip quilt - fun fabrics that are showcased, a quick project for my little Sammy's Vday present and I finally got another project off my to do list - now just need to finish the black one up.

I put some cream minky dot on the back so its super soft.  I think it makes the perfect addition to our quilt collection - and although I HATE to admit this, its Sammy's first official quilt.  I can't believe the little man is 2 and this is the first quilt I've made specifically for him.  He's a little attached to his aden and anais blankets.  If you haven't given these blankets a try you're really missing out.  They are so soft and light - Sammy usually carries about 3 at all times and can't leave the house without his it doesn't really matter that I made him a quilt just yet as those will always win out.  But its a fun quilt to have for movie night.

Glad I got it done - Happy Valentine's Day Sammy!

Linking up again this week to Whoop Whoop and Finish it up Friday

Thursday, February 16, 2012


I completed a few projects this weekend - this being one of them - a Robot quilt made for Jake.  He was so excited.

 This was a quick kit I picked up at a local quilt shop in November and I love how it turned out.  Bright, fun and cherry.  Jake loves the robots.

You can't really see the backing well, but I added a little note on the back for Jake - it was my first time labeling a quilt and I need some practice.  The pen was too thick - but Jake will never know.  A little note from his mom is all he sees.
I had tried to get a quilt completed for Christmas and didn't get to my own boys, so I was excited I got these all done for them.  (I was more excited than any of them) but Jake does keep telling me how cute it is,  so that means something!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

WIP Wednesdays

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Currently in Progess -
Route 44
Nottingham Star
- Lincoln

Again with no progress because I started and completed 4 new projects....crazy I know.  I decided to give my boys and Mike quilts for Valentines day.  I also completed a quick table runner for a client.  All started, sewn and completed before Tuesday morning.

Table runner using Papillon by 3 Sisters

Robots for Jake

Pirates for Sam

This week I've got some quilting for a client, custom quilt to sew, quilt and bind and quilt something for my mom.  Once I'm done with that I'm going to complete my Schnibbles project!  I'm off to quilt!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Menu Mondays

Monday - Orzo Chicken - FINALLY getting to it
Tuesday - Candlelit dinner for 4?  Steak, shrimp, twice backed potatoes, and fruit
Wednesday - Chicken over Toast
Thursday - Fish Tacos
Friday - Maple Salmon, salad and fruit

I've got a cute breakfast planned for tomorrow morning - something like this...

Can't wait to surprise the boys!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Weekend Updates

I got a few things done this weekend...

- quilted and bound a cheater quilt for Mike for Vday
- Sewed, quilted, and bound a table runner for a client
- Sewed, quilted and bound a robot quilt for Jake for Vday
- Sewed, quilted and got binding on a pirate quilt for Sam for Vday (will finish binding before Tues)
- Quilted a table runner for a client
- Sewed, quilted, and stuffed the cutest little pin cushion
- Quilted THROUGH my finger - yes all the way through it - multiple times
- Rotary cut the top of my hand-
- Cut out fabric for this month's Schnibbles project
- Cleaned house
- Fun dinner and ice cream with my little family
- Sang a tribute to Whitney Houston (I LOVED her all through grade school - know every one of her early songs by heart).
- Dance party during the Grammy's with my boys

Fun filled weekend - Got a lot done and only left the house for about 2 hours - love those kind of weekends!  Pictures of all the finished quilts coming this week.

Friday, February 10, 2012

For the Love of Pinterest

I didn't get much sewing/quilting done this week like I had planned - but I did cook - nearly every night.  This is why I love pinterest - and this is why Mike said last night - "I love the new cook book you've found" because Pinterest is a virtual cookbook. 

The other thing that makes me happy is that sometimes I feel like I'm wasting time when surfing through pinterest - so if I'm actually using recipes, tips, etc that I'm finding I feel like it is knowledge I'm consuming instead of wasted time.

Here is what I've made this week -

Loved these!  They were pretty easy to make - can make in large quantities if needed.  Flavor was great!

Thanks to Whit for the idea - this cheese danish was Mike's pick of the week.

My mom made this and brought it to the super bowl party - it was delicious!

We had these for dinner last night - along with these..

Which I changed up using deli ham, spinach, egg and cheese.  I made enough of these to have for breakfast also. 

If you aren't seeing a theme here - I've been using my cupcake tins a lot this week!  I love the portion control that comes from individual cups.  I can also figure out the calories pretty close so I can watch what I'm eating - yet still feel like I'm eating some decent food. 

I love Pinterest - a few more recipes I will be trying this weekend...

Happy Pinning!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

WIP Wednesdays

I love WIP Wednesdays!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

I didn't get nearly everything I had hoped accomplished - but some progress was made.

Since last week I completed the following:
- Going Coastal
- Full House Table Topper

Currently in Progess -
Route 44
Nottingham Star
- Lincoln

All of which no progress was made.  I did however manage to get a few things done.  As I've been cleaning my sewing room I found these strips of fabric ready to go - so during the Super Bowl I cut them to even sizes and started sewing a few runners up.

Half way through this one
I have also fallen for a new line (this seems to happen a lot).  I ordered a few yards (12 I think) and a couple charm packs (4) and a fat eighth bundle.... (do I really need this many quilts from one line?  YES)

I started cutting out the bundle into little squares to join the Made in Cherry Quilt Along

pins & bobbins

I have loved this quilt ever since I first saw it.  I'm a little behind the others in the quilt along, but I'm excited to get started on it!

I also did a little quilting for a client - need to get that done as I've got a few to complete this week.

Lets hope the rest of the week goes better than Tuesday - which is my night to sew - I laid in bed and watched TV - not so productive....but I got caught up on my shows!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Full Houses Finished

Its done! FINALLY after all the mistakes I made and lack of being able to follow simple directions! I've gotten it quilted and bound now.

I love this piece of backing - cute little flowers and flags - can't go wrong.

I really love these houses and they are addicting. I can't wait to make a few more projects using this pattern - maybe I'll even remake this one right! With the checkered board and all. I think a Christmas one is in order and I keep leaning towards my hometown and reunion fabrics - I think mixed together they could be a cute little neighborhood!

The binding is my favorite piece from the Prairie Paisley wovens.  I love how it turned out.  It's amazing how a little quilting and binding can change the whole look of the quilt!  I really love how it turned out.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Menu Mondays

I went to the Dr a  few weeks back....had to stand on the scale - why do they really need to know your weight?  I've decided to make some small goals for myself in hopes that I can feel almost comfortable wearing a swimsuit again on my next vacation....

8 pounds this month - starting today - you think I can do it?  I'm going to do it!  I'm going to watch my portions, drink lots of water, eat lots of fruit and salads and chicken and see what happens.  Oh yea - and I got my butt out of bed this morning and worked out!

I am not one for diets - the second I tell myself I can't eat something that is the only thing I can think about.  So I still want to make some fun food items each week - they may not be the healtiest, but I'm going to go for portion control.  Even making them with the idea of portions in mind. 

Monday - leftovers from the party yesterday - Turkey meatballs, and this w/fruit salad
Tuesday - Taco Cupcakes
Wednesday - Grilled Chicken and salad and fruit (potatoes for the kids)
Thursday - Shrimp Pasta
Friday - Chicken and Orzo
Saturday - German Pancakes w/fruit

I'm starving!  First few days are always the hardest - right!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Going Coastal Finish

I am so happy to say my 10th quilt of 2012 is completed! I love how this quilt turned out. I am a beach girl at heart so these fabrics speak to me.

I practiced my straight line quilting (which needs a lot more practice) and I'm ok with how the quilting turned out. I think once its been washed it will puff the blocks a little and I'll like it more.

The backing bottle cap tops may be as cute as the front. I just wish I had the beach house to throw this quilt in now! I think I'll be throwing it over a rocking chair or couch outside this summer to add to the beachy feel I want to create on my patio. We shall see.

I am so excited this is my 10th finish and its just barely February! I realize all my projects so far of have been table runners and baby quilts - but still - I'm on a roll and I hope it doesn't slow down!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday Finishes

This week my goal was to complete a few projects.  I have been dying to start some new projects (do I have ADD when it comes to quilting?) but swore to myself, no new projects til a few blocks of have completed!

I cleaned up my sewing room a bit - have a little bit more to go there, but am feeling better about the room in general. 

I quilted and got the binding on my Going Coastal quilt!  I quilted straight lines 1/4 inch from all the seams.  SO MUCH HARDER then I thought!  Although I love the look, I've decided straight line quilting on a longarm is hard!  Good thing is I got some practice, and I have just some binding to complete and a quilt is done!

I also quilted and got binding on my Full House project.  Again crosshatch quilting, which is just straight lines (what was I thinking) but a little smaller and easier.  Love how this turned out.  I have been saving this plaid blue woven fabric for binding for a few years!  I decided to cute the whole yard up and make binding.  You'll be seeing this binding on a few more quilts! 

My goal is to get both quilts completed this weekend. 

I also added some blocks to my Lincoln project.  This simple pattern from this book -

using this pattern-

= these blocks

I'm loving how its turning out and am anxious to get it done.  I've got all the rail blocks done and I'm working on the stars.  Got 6 blocks down - 7 more to go. I've got some quilting for customers to get done this weekend, so the blocks may have to wait.  My goal is to get 3 more stars done this weekend.

Hopefully that will leave me enough time to iron a bundle of lovelies for a new quilt a long I'd like to join and get at least 1 swoon block added to the bunch.  We'll see how productive I can be.

Tonight we are dropping the kids off for a few hours (so nervous how Sammy will do) but they get dinner and play with a bunch of other kids.  We'll see how it goes.  We are going to hit a movie, is it wrong that I really would love to come home and sew for 3 1/2 hours alone?  But Mike and I need a night out so hopefully we'll see a movie of my choice this time!  Sunday is the big game - maybe I can get my bindings done durnig it....I have a feeling there will be some late nights this weekend to get all this completed!

Linking up again this week to Whoop Whoop and Finish it up Friday - Love seeing what everyone else is working on too!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Table Runner Palooza

Towards the end of December I gathered up a bunch of table runners I had quilted, but had yet to bind.  One day I made binding for all of them.

Valentine Pinwheels
I then got busy making some Valentine table runners - so those got thrown in front of the others.

Valentine 4 Square
But finally I got all but 1 done - and wanted to keep my 2012 list going!
Fandango Runner
I love the Fandango fabrics and this will be so fun and springy!  I got to practice my crosshatch quilting too which is always good, as I need the practice!

Fall Plaid Pinwheels
The fall plaid pinwheels runner is one of my favorites! I was so worried about how these country looking plaids would be against the white back ground - but I LOVE how they turned out.

One goal for 2012 is to try and use up all my small scraps when cutting out a quilt - so you'll see a lot of runners being made for each of my projects this year. I love a quick project - love to give them as gifts - and love changing them out in my house. They add the perfect splash of color to any room!