Tuesday, May 21, 2013


We had a busy weekend -

- pedicure with my mother in law
- spent all day Saturday quilting - got 5 done
- Sunday was spent cleaning and quilting - 2 more completed!

Practicing my channel lock quilting

- Made these Oatmeal Chocolate chip bars from Pinterest - may be the best recipe I've found so far!
- busy week at work - got a few quilts bound while on an all day conference call

- Long days at work hopefully mean a few more quilts bound this week! 
Here's to a few finishes!


  1. Definitely busy days in your world. :-)

  2. 5?!!! that's amazing.

    just saw your comments on my older posts. sorry! I moderate all comments on posts older than 14 days just so I can see them otherwise I probably wouldn't notice them. anyway, the line on the baby quilt you asked about is "oops a daisy" by keiki for moda from spring 2011. I just picked up some extra yardage of it from the quilted castle (dot) com if you are interested in it. =)
