Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A New Year

Quilts to be quilted - count them - yes there are 10 there.  I made a goal to have them all bound by the end of the year - obviously this didn't happen. 

At the beginning of the year I always try to make a few resolutions.  In the last few years, I've even tried to be realistic and make only resolutions I think I can actually keep - yet somehow life gets in the way and goals fall into the deep dark hole of things I don't get to. 

But here I am again - making a few resolutions - both personal and sewing related. 

1 - Spend more quality time with my kids.  Read to them (I actually started with this tonight, so I'm headed in the right direction!) We use to have Monday night game night - I'm going to implement this again.  If I take them time to read at least 1 book a day - and spend a whole night once a week completely focused on the kids - its a good start.

2 - Go on a date once a month - I've put this one on the list before, and we have failed at this one miserably.  We are now doing a kid swap with my brother - so hopefully this year - we can make this happen. May ultimate goal is to find me a go to sitter that comes once a week.

3 - Work Out - I know I know - this is ALWAYS on the list.  But folks, things are getting crazy with this body of mine.  Its out of control and something has got to change.  I'm thinking working out will make me feel better (as in healthy) plus lift my spirits, self esteem, energy level - along with shedding a few pounds. 

4 - Eat at home - We eat out a lot, which makes it hard to always be healthy - this year this is going to change.  Not only will this help us be healthier, but will save us money and me pounds!

5 - Go outside - even when its cold - once a week during the winter I'm going to make an effort to spend some time outside whenever the sun is shining.  My kids are into riding their bikes now, so come spring this will be easy and I can't wait!

6 - Organize - a drawer, a closet - something once a month.  Maybe once I get started I'll get motivated to get it done.  I have a couple big closets I need to tackle - and 2013 will be that year!

7 - Binding (see picture above) - my goal for those quilts is to get binding on all of them in the month of January.  (Four currently have binding sewn on, just need to be completed) I will work on these quilts as I can - and want to have them all done by March.  As for new quilts - once they are quilted, binding is put on immediatley and I am going to keep up!

8 - Quilts in progress - Finish 1 WIP every 2 months.  I will be posting pics of these each month so I can be held accountable for my projects.

9 - New Quilt Projects - start and finish 1 every 6 weeks.  I'm getting close to being out of quilts that need to be quilted now, so I've gotta start sewing again so I can keep trying new quilting patterns.  I am so inspire by all the beautiful fabric and fun patterns I need to actually do something with all the fabric I own!

10 - Spend more time with family - I love my family and I love Mike's family.  I need to make a bigger effort to get together with them all.  It will happen this year.

Here's to another great year.  What are the resolutions you're making?  Do you look back and last years and keep them?  I'd love to hear what you all do!


  1. That looks like a good list of New Years resolutions. I wish you luck in tackling and accomplishing them!

  2. great new year's resolutions! so far i've made none. lol. Happy New Year!
