Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Friday Night Lights

My cousin Marta has been pushing Friday Night Lights for the last couple of months.  I finally took her advise - and although she gives great advise always - this maybe the best decision I ever made to jump on this cult show.  I know its long since been cancelled, but wow is this a good show!  I have stayed up many a late night wanting to watch just one more episode.  I the last month I have completed season 1 and have moved through the first 15 episodes of season 2. 

If you need a good show to keep you company - stream Netflixs (my family utilizes the streaming feature like no one else I tell ya!)  and start watching this show!  You won't regret it.

Thanks Marta for pushing your shows on me. 

1 comment:

  1. This is my all time favorite show!!! We must talk about it. So glad you love it. Is Mike watching it with you??
