Thursday, November 15, 2012

A Room Without a View

Funny how my favorite room in our house has 3 windows all with the same view of a rock wall.  Not much sun light hits the room, yet it holds most everything I need to be perfectly happy.  It is large, has a TV, a bathroom, room for my kids coloring table or love sac if they want to join me.  Open space for Mike to play around with the kids.  Most importantly it holds a sewing machine, quilting machine, and a couple hundred yards of fabric.  

You guessed it - my sewing room.  A room with no view - but I'll take whatever time I can get with my rock wall view.  

Tonight I spent some time in there cleaning things up - it needed it big time!

I started with this side of the room, because I had to take down this machine - because my Gammill is being delivered tomorrow!  So.Excited.I.Don't.Have.The.Words.

While it was semi clean (as that doesn't happen often, and doesn't stay clean very long) I thought it was time to give you all a little tour.

As you walk in the door and look right - this is what you see.  The open floor space is usually covered in a mess, a quilt, a coloring table, or a love sac.  Very rarely are you able to see the carpet in this room.  And seeing this picture makes me want to add color into this room - so BLAH.
Walk in and look left and this is where the quilting table in the picture above once was.  My Gammill will hopefully fill this spot tomorrow!
This is my sewing table
Sitting area - I try to use my fabric as decorations as much as possible.   I think I'm fooling Mike, but I'm sure he's on to me at this point. 
Cutting Table (2 Ikea bookshelves on their sides with 2 desk tops over the top - makes a big cutting table for under $100)

Closet across the cutting table is full of fabric - this is my Moda 3 Sisters row - yes the WHOLE row is 3 Sisters fabric.  I think I may be there #1 fan

I'm in the process of pulling out any fabric over 1 yard and rolling it onto a bolt.  This project is taking me much longer then expected to complete and not sure it is saving me space (which I thought it would) but I do love being able to see all the bolts of fabric.

A view into my bathroom - wish I had made this a huge walk in closet.  

Usually my cutting table is COVERED in fabric - so had to take a shot of an almost clean table.

Sadly - this is the other closet and my next project.  Patterns, my personal quilts to be quilted, batting, thread, crap.  Needs to be organized! 
Both of my grandma's sewed - but I have nothing to show for it.  These pictures are embroidered by Mike's Grandma and the sewing table is his other Grandmas.  I love that I have something of them in this room.

And there you have it - my sewing room in pictures.  Not great pictures, but like I said - there is no sun and these were taken at 10pm.  I love seeing pictures of peoples spaces so I wanted to share some of my own. 

Thanks for stopping by today!  I'll be back next Wednesday with some projects.  I've been working on a fun one!


  1. HOLY CRAP. Trade me sewing rooms!!!

  2. Wow, what an awesome room! Thank you so much for sharing your space. BTW, you do have a view - all your delightful fabric and projects provide an excellent view.

    I'm so excited that your Gammill is coming today - woohoo!!!

  3. oh my goodness.. i'm holding my breath for you!! so excited your 'baby' is finally coming!!

  4. How exciting to be waiting on your long arm! I remember waiting for mine and it's arrival like it was yesterday..though it was 8 yrs ago. I still love it and although my studio has no windows, it is my favorite room in the house.
