Wednesday, November 28, 2012

WIP Wednesday

I have obviously been quilting more then sewing lately.  I love seeing how these patterns look on the quilts - but I love that my closet full of quilt tops is being done!
I'm on a business trip this week and brought a few to bind - so hopefully I can start showing some completed projects in the next few weeks!
This edge to edge pattern is pattern is called flight of fancy and has flowery feel to it.
The quilt pattern is Patchwork Chevron from the Moda Bake Shop.  My friend Ann and I made these quilts when we did our weekend sewing retreat in April.  I'm so excited to have it done!
I love looking at the back of the quilt now.  This is quilt line is Rouenneries Deux by French General.  The backing is a grey linen look which I love!

This is a fun and whimsical pattern.  Can't wait to get this bound and washed and folded over the couch! 
Email me at if you are interested in getting your quilt done.  I turn it around in less than a week!
Linking up to WIP this week.


I have always liked feathers quilted on quilts - yet I have never been comfortable enough to quilt them until now.  (And I'm only comfortable now because the machine is in control not me!)

I LOVE how this quilt turned out.  The pattern is a Carpenter Star pattern and the fabrics are Portabella Market by 3 Sisters.  I have had this quilt top sewn together for probably 2 years or so.  I wanted to do a feathery pantograph but was never brave enough to start.

This pattern is by Designs by Deb and is called Simple Feathers.

I love the back!  Maybe better than the front.  I never thought I'd be like that, but look at how things change!  

I've thought about hanging this quilt up on my wall - with the backside up.  Would that be weird?

I'm sure having fun trying out these patterns and loving every minute!  If you need some last minute quilting done for the holidays - please keep me in mind!

Sunday, November 25, 2012


A few quick updates to remind me of a great weekend and how lucky my little family is.

- Afternoon spent with my siblings Nick and Whit.  They came over to help me while I worked on Tuesday and entertained my kids and each other all afternoon.  I wish every day could be spent chatting with these two.

- Spent Thanksgiving day at my parents house with my family.  It was nice and peaceful - except for Sam screaming for a hotdog and wanting to leave from the moment we sat down....after dinner we played a little Chinese Checkers which brought me back to my childhood and reminded me of my Grandma DeSpain.  I love watching Jake learn to play this old game.  

I stole this picture off my mom's blog - but I love it of my parents!  Such a cute picture and such a nice day.  

- Friday hit Thanksgiving Point for the Christmas Spectacular light show.  Sam is so excited for the lights and the tree and trains and all things Christmas this year.  Aren't the holidays so much more fun with little ones?   We also put up the Christmas decorations downstairs.  We have a small tree with action type ornaments that the kids love.  Last year we added the addition of a little Polar Express Train that chugs around the tree. 

I have no idea how to take a picture in the dark with the Christmas tree lights on - but I had to try.  This is where Sam sat most of the night.  Right in front of the tree, playing with the train.  Such a cute sight, and a cute little guy.  

We also decided to get into the spirit with a little Christmas show.  Arthur Christmas is such a cute Christmas movie.  If you haven't seen it, watch it.  It will touch your heart - no matter what age.

- Saturday we flipped on the Christmas carols, pulled out our singing Santa, and got started on the decorations for Christmas.  The house is a wreck, there is still a few things to be put out and a good cleaning left to be done - but we got the tree up which is all Jake cared about.  Watching the boys tonight decorate the tree was fun.  All the ornaments were clumped together in two spots - Jakes spot and Sam's spot.  We pulled out the Christmas books we put away each year and read Frosty the Snowman.  Always a favorite in our household.  

Tonight - as I get ready to jump into my warm bed I will be grateful for all that I have.  Healthy kids, loving supportive husband, families who love and help us so much.  Warm house, cozy beds, and Christmas trees to decorate.  Jobs (whether we like them or not - at least we have them).  I am grateful for leftovers and long weekends.  Days spent in our pjs.  Movie nights with popcorn and red vines.  Black Friday and Cyber Monday - and that really there is no longer a difference.  I can shop from my computer and not have to get dressed!  Gammill quilt machines that allow me to get a quilt done while playing air hockey with Jake.  Memories - of family times - of old, life long friends.  For fabric and hobby's that keep me sane.  But most importantly - I am thankful for my family - crazy as we are these days - I wouldn't want it any other way.  

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!  

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Gone Quilting

I've been MIA I know - But I haven't been laying around doing nothing - I have been quilting.  The machine was delivered on Thursday and I got straight to work.  Quilted 5 over the weekend.  When was the last time I quilted 5 in a weekend?  NEVER!!!

 I thought I would share a few of the finished products.  What I love most about this machine is I'm getting quilts done that have been hanging in my closet for years!

This was the first quilt we attempt on Thursday night.  I wanted to do a flowery pattern, but Mike wanted to see the machine work and get a quilt done without staying up all night.  I was started this quilt at 10pm.  So we picked a stipple - and made it big.

 This quilt is a Crazy Old Ladies pattern and the fabric is Blush I think by Moda.  I made the quilt the December I had Sam so almost 3 years ago!

I even got some binding added while another one quilt was being worked on.

This quilt was a presewn fabric from the line Christmas Presence by April Cornell.  It might have been her first line for Moda and is still in my top 2 favorite Christmas lines.  There is a beautiful black in the line - which I have no idea why it wasn't included in the squares.  But I have loved this quilt for a long time.  Always wanted a good pattern on it, which is why I have never quilted it myself.

I used a holly berry pattern that came standard on the statler.  I LOVE how it turned out.  This was my 2nd quilt and I ran into a couple of situations that were great learning experiences for me.  I also finished this quilt up at 3am!  I felt like this machine was my brand new first born baby that I had to sit and watch the whole time it quilted.  I'm happy to report I can now walk out of the room without have a panic attack.  This quilt will be the next one I bind - I love it and can't wait to have it out for the season.

This next quilt pattern is a 5 and dime one I think - Its a fun quick pattern to throw together.  The fabric line is Peace On Earth by 3 Sisters.  I LOVED the border print and wanted to use it on something that would really stand out.  When I see this quilt - I just want a runner with just that border piece.  I love it!

The quilting pattern is a swirl - and it was simple.  

The thread blends a little too well in the pictures, but this map fabric was one of my favorite pieces in the line.

This quilt we threw on at about 9pm Saturday night and I was in bed by 11pm.  The quilt went together perfectly!  I was finally getting the hang of it.  I used a disappearing 9 patch pattern with a layer cake of Winter by Minnick and Simpson.  This is a great pattern for a quick quilt.

I used an edge to edge design called Jingle Bells and I love how it turned out.  This was a fun whimsical feel to it and felt it was perfect for the fabric.  I was really feeling good about quilting as I went to bed on Saturday - and dreamt of quilting....

Sunday morning I put this quilt on.  It is brick pattern off the ModaBakeShop.  Using Strawberry Fields by Fig Tree - a favorite line.  I love this quilt.  Thought it was such a fun summer picnic quilt.

Quilting it was another learning experience.  I used a block pattern and repeated it.  Altered the rows and had to connect patterns.

It is also a VERY LARGE ROSE - as in 22 inches!  When the first rose was quilted I laughed and thought about starting over using another pattern.  I love this pattern, but have decided I wish I had done a pattern with a little more quilting in it.  This will be a puffier quilt.  

All in all - it was a successful weekend!  I love this machine.  Happy to report that I have gotten 2 more done since taking the pictures, and have another being quilted as I type.  Who would have ever thought I could post a blog and quilt a quilt at the same time?  I feel like I'm still dreaming.  When I walk down there and see the machine I pinch myself a little.  

Today I had a client delivery 2 quilts!  I can't wait to put them on the machine and go for it.  During the month of December I will be running a special that ALL Edge to Edge QUILT PATTERNS will be $.01 an inch.  I will also offer a week or less turn around.  So if you have any last minute Christmas quilts to get done, gifts for others, think of me.  I will get them done quickly, done well, and done affordably!  Send me an email  to if you are interested.  I am in the process of launching a website and getting pattern information out there, but didn't want to miss the opportunity to help folks this month.  I know it is hard to find a quilter in December!

I have several quilt patterns to choose from and will continue to show you the samples and post shots of the choices within the next week.  I would love to quilt for you!

Check back tomorrow as my favorite quilt so far will make an appearance.  Currently its hanging over my staircase and I smile every time I walk up the stairs and see it. Got it done late Sunday night and haven't had time to take pictures yet.  I never thought I'd be able to get the quilts in my closet completed and be worried about sewing so I have something to quilt!  This is so much fun!  

Linking up to WIP this week.  I've got a quilt in the works - 30 blocks, and have 23 done.  I'll get those up for next week.  

Friday, November 16, 2012

Run for my Money

This guy is giving me anxiety these days.  He is a bundle of trouble and is the most stubborn kid I've ever laid eyes on.  (I think my mom would say "just like his mom")

He does nothing he isn't up for - NOTHING.  He rules this house and I often think I'm going to change that, but he always has other ideas.  The hard part about this boy is that he is sooooooo cute, so funny, so full of life and personality, it makes it difficult to follow through with much - and frankly following through doesn't matter at all to this kid.

I have taken on the attitude that I have to pick my battles, or he and I would be going at it all day every day.

This week we went to Target.  We had just gotten these pictures taken, he cried through the whole process (there is a tear below his left eye if you can see it).  He screamed the whole time we were in the car (Whit, maybe he was trying to be like Wren?) and hadn't taken a nap.  You could call him a nightmare - and I did.

Once inside Target he was running around the isles.  Screamed if he was in the cart, I mean - at a certain point I was offering him up to anyone who would have him (not really, but the thought crossed my mind).  He ran into an isle where I couldn't see him.  Jake went running after him and I hear Jake say "Sam, you can't just wander away from us.  You have to stay where we can see you - do you understand?"  At least I've raised a good mom in Jake!

We continued down another isle and I hear Sam quietly saying under his breath, "Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh" over and over again.  He ran to the end of the isle, hopped on a pink tricycle and was off and pedaling.  So excited to have found him a bike!  Jake yelling "Get off, thats a girls tricycle" running after him.

As he turned the corner, and again out of my eye sight I hear him saying again "Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh".  He found a Cars tricycle.  By the time I got around the corner he was speeding right past me and down the main isle at Target.

This kid is fast - and he was finally happy.  So I let him ride the tricycle the whole time we were in the store.  He went up and down about 10 isles.  Speeding, swerving to miss the carts.  Most people laughed as they saw him speed past them.  But I always wonder - are people wondering what kind of mom would let their child be this out of control?  And then I think - live with him for an hour and you'll understand our life choices.  And at this point in my life - Sam is king.

BTW - he so tried to shoplift the tricycle out of the store, and it would have been SO easy.  But I made him leave it between the 2 doors in the exit.  Yes he made it all the way past the first door!

CRAZY KID!  Give me some hope - will he grow out of his need for speed?  His need to cry?  His need to have everything his way?  Please say this is a 2 year old phase - and in 2 short weeks at the stroke of midnight on his 3rd birthday he'll chill out a bit?

All in all - He is crazy - but he's my crazy and I love this little bundle of trouble.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

A Room Without a View

Funny how my favorite room in our house has 3 windows all with the same view of a rock wall.  Not much sun light hits the room, yet it holds most everything I need to be perfectly happy.  It is large, has a TV, a bathroom, room for my kids coloring table or love sac if they want to join me.  Open space for Mike to play around with the kids.  Most importantly it holds a sewing machine, quilting machine, and a couple hundred yards of fabric.  

You guessed it - my sewing room.  A room with no view - but I'll take whatever time I can get with my rock wall view.  

Tonight I spent some time in there cleaning things up - it needed it big time!

I started with this side of the room, because I had to take down this machine - because my Gammill is being delivered tomorrow!  So.Excited.I.Don't.Have.The.Words.

While it was semi clean (as that doesn't happen often, and doesn't stay clean very long) I thought it was time to give you all a little tour.

As you walk in the door and look right - this is what you see.  The open floor space is usually covered in a mess, a quilt, a coloring table, or a love sac.  Very rarely are you able to see the carpet in this room.  And seeing this picture makes me want to add color into this room - so BLAH.
Walk in and look left and this is where the quilting table in the picture above once was.  My Gammill will hopefully fill this spot tomorrow!
This is my sewing table
Sitting area - I try to use my fabric as decorations as much as possible.   I think I'm fooling Mike, but I'm sure he's on to me at this point. 
Cutting Table (2 Ikea bookshelves on their sides with 2 desk tops over the top - makes a big cutting table for under $100)

Closet across the cutting table is full of fabric - this is my Moda 3 Sisters row - yes the WHOLE row is 3 Sisters fabric.  I think I may be there #1 fan

I'm in the process of pulling out any fabric over 1 yard and rolling it onto a bolt.  This project is taking me much longer then expected to complete and not sure it is saving me space (which I thought it would) but I do love being able to see all the bolts of fabric.

A view into my bathroom - wish I had made this a huge walk in closet.  

Usually my cutting table is COVERED in fabric - so had to take a shot of an almost clean table.

Sadly - this is the other closet and my next project.  Patterns, my personal quilts to be quilted, batting, thread, crap.  Needs to be organized! 
Both of my grandma's sewed - but I have nothing to show for it.  These pictures are embroidered by Mike's Grandma and the sewing table is his other Grandmas.  I love that I have something of them in this room.

And there you have it - my sewing room in pictures.  Not great pictures, but like I said - there is no sun and these were taken at 10pm.  I love seeing pictures of peoples spaces so I wanted to share some of my own. 

Thanks for stopping by today!  I'll be back next Wednesday with some projects.  I've been working on a fun one!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Taking a Leap

When I was in the 6th grade I remember walking home from school saying "I'm going to be a business woman who yells at people to get this done by 5pm and slams the door."  No idea why I not only wanted to go into business, but also wanted to be mean....clearly I've learned a thing or two over the years (although maybe some of my employees may disagree).  But obviously the idea of running a business and building something I own has run through my veins since birth. 

Source: via Abby on Pinterest

After having a family and realizing what really matters in life, my attitude towards work has changed a little.  Some days I long to be a stay at home mom and be able to focus on my kids and potty training, reading to them, playing with them.  But some days - I'm so grateful I get a few hours a day where I get a break and get to work my brain in a different way.  My job is stressful and busy.  It is also flexible and allows me to be home with my kids a couple days a week and allows me to come and go if needed.  Working at home with my kids isn't as great as one would think.  I sometimes feel like a witch of a mom who spends my days on calls and yelling at the kids to run out of the room.  I have longed for a job that I love and want to be doing.  A job that feeds my soul.  If I have to be taken away from my kids physically and emotionally drained each day, shouldn't it be doing something I love?

Source: via Abby on Pinterest

But how do you get paid to buy fabric?  Or watch TV?  I've struggled trying to figure that out!  But I love to sew and I have enjoyed quilting.  I bought a Handi Quilter about 6 years ago.  It has been so nice to have so I can complete my projects.  I have loved being able to whip up a quilt for a gift and to be able to complete the whole project - in a night.  I have quilted for a few people.  I have struggled doing this.  I want to give people a good deal.  Before I had a quilting machine I always hated spending big bucks to get my quilts quilted.  I wanted to offer people an affordable price.  But doing that means I had to go with the easy patterns.  Loops, stippling etc that I feel comfortable doing.  I'm not sure what I was thinking buying this machine right as I started a family.  Having a baby and a full time job made it difficult to spend the time I needed to practice my quilting.  Whenever I have time I wanted to sew - or quilt a real quilt.  Not practice on scrap fabric.  I've been discouraged because I haven't been able to put the time and energy behind the quilting that I wanted to and need to, to be successful.

About a year ago I started looking into Gammill machines, and more importantly Statler Stitchers.  I think the guys at the Gammill store must think I'm crazy.  Coming in every few months wasting their time asking questions about the machine, going back and forth on prices etc.  Good news is I finally took the leap.  We bought us a Gammill Statler Stitcher this week.  I am so nervous and excited.  I have butterflies and feel energized.  Isn't it crazy how jumping into a project no matter how scary can feel so freeing if its something you're passionate about? In the next month I'll have my machine and be working away to get familiar with the ins and outs of it.

Stay tuned for announcements - I'm starting up a new business.  I will have Grand Opening specials and giveaways.  I am so excited for this leap we are taking and can't wait to share the details with you all!  Stay tuned!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Fig Tree Obsession

Is it just me or is Fig Tree on a seriously roll right now?  I am loving - LOVING everything they are putting out these days!

It all started with this quilt.

I love this pattern - you can make the quilt or make a table topper.  Both are on my to do list.  I bought a layer cake of Tapestry to make the quilt and some of those new Candy charm packs things out of Marmalade to make th topper - or the new French General line - and Double Chocolate - and Odds and Ends - maybe I should hand some out as Christmas gifts. 

The quilting on these new Fig Tree quilts is KILLING me!  Adds so much to the quilt.  So I bought this pattern.

A few weeks later I spotted this.

I saw it one day - saw a fabric bundle the next day so begged Mike to throw me a bone with some money attached so I could get my fabric fixation.  When I went to order - the kits were gone.  YES GONE!  I died a little.  I ordered the bundle of Christmasy fabrics and put a note with some begging and pleading to put me on the magical list to receive the next shipment of kits.  I went to bed in tears (not really) saying my prayers (this was important) that this kit would manifest itself and become available.  I was going through a serious withdrawl.  The thought of not owning this kit was giving me anxiety.  (I realize this is fabric, but I'm sure you all have felt this same way before).  Luckily Mr Eric Fig Tree himself gave me a call with the good news that they did in fact have a kit they could send me.  My prayers were answered, my fix was met.  Life could go on. 

Then I saw this pattern

Ok technically I had seen it in the Halloween quilt - because it is the same pattern, but so many options?  I was already receiving the pattern with the Halloween kit - so I decided to just add a jelly roll of Tapestry into the mix.  And of course come spring the Avalon version will also need to be made - I mean how could I not?

I waited a few days for my kits - and was getting worried at this point.  No email stating it had been shipped had come my way.  The withdrawls were starting up again - and I got another call from Mr Fig Tree.  I paid for 2 separate shipping charges, yet they were going to be shipped together.  Would I rather have a pattern sent.  Silly question - of course.

Enter the Milky Way

This pattern - with so many options - again.  Do you go the fireworks patrotic way?

  The red and taupe can't go wrong way?

 Or the Christmas red and green way? (I know this picture is cut off, but I can't get it to work right, but you get the idea)

All of them?  Again with the quilting on these - AMAZING! 

The funny thing is - and this happens every time.  I don't love the Fig Tree fabrics.  I see them and I'm not overly in love (except for Strawberry Fields - that was true love).  So I never buy the fabric when I first see it.  Then I see quilt after quilt done up in the Fig Tree fabrics and can't help myself.  I have to rush out and get as much as I can to make these dang quilts!  It happened with Butterscotch and Roses, with California Girl, Tapestry, I'm going to get a head start for Avalon - and lets not discuss how much fabric I have out of Strawberry Fields.  I just kept buying and buying that one. 

So there you have it - the Fig Tree obession I never knew I had until recently.  But boy are these quilts on my to do soon list!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

WIP Wednesdays

I've got the middle section of my Lincoln Schnibbles done.  Loving how it turned out.  I'm going to add a purple tiny stop border and a black outer border and then quilt this puppy up.  Hope to complete before next Wednesday.  

I've been cleaning my sewing room and organizing my fabric the last month or two.  Almost to a stopping point.  Can't wait to show you the progress.  AMAZING what having the fabric out and right in front of you to help put a dent in the stash.  Since moving to this new storage system I've been using up my long last yardage.  I even found some blocks I started about 7 years ago that I threw together for a baby quilt the other night!

There are few quilts I have on my to do list - I'm getting in the Christmas mood.
- Granny Squares out of Joy
- Grace Lucky Stars quilt
- Blizten Hubble quilt
- My 3 Stars out of Hollywood and Vine
- Plan C from 12 Days of Christmas
- Vintage Holiday

All are Christmasy fabrics and most are I have an issue with stars?  I LOVE THEM!  I feel like every pattern I look at lately has stars involved!  Do you think I can get them all done?  The race has started....

Linking up to WIP Wednesdays

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

October Updates

The Halloween decorations have been put away.  A few fall/Thanksgiving items have taken their place for the next month.  Needed to wrap up October with a few pictures.  We had such a fun month full of activities and family.

We celebrated Jake's 5th birthday with a little fun at the bowling ally with Grandma and Grandpa Sharon.  Eating pizza, bowling, and playing arcade games.  Such a fun day!  Love the collage Sharon put together of the these pictures.

On Sunday we gave Jake his presents and had a little cake and dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Polly's house.
Jake's Star Wars cake

Sam had to have a turn with the candle blowing

Ken celebrated his birthday last weekend - and of course the kids had to help him with his candles.  Ken is so fun and cute with the kids.  We are lucky to have him around.  He even let Sam draw all over his desk with a marker.  That's how much fun Grandpa is!

Grandma and Grandpa Polly had our first annual Halloween party.

Jake decided that day he wanted to switch up the costumes and go as a vampire. Of course Sam had to change his costume also, but after we went and bought him one, he wouldn't wear it.  Look at cute little Dylan as a lion!

Grandma set up a spook ally in her secret garden.  Jake was brave and sat next to the witch.

We even stumbled upon the cutest Dorothy and her lion.

I want to suck your blood

Grandma and Grandpa

We even carved some pumpkins.  Sammy was so excited

Grama and Wren

Dad and Jake carving his pumpkin

Grandpa with the kids admiring their hard work

Whit and Wren

And on Halloween the kids went out in their real costumes.  Buzz Lightyear and Green Lantern.

It was so much fun to watch the kids run up to the door and yell "trick or treat".  Sam was so into it and loved every minute of it.  The past few years we've just circled our small street, but this year we hit 3 or 4 streets around us.  The kids loved every minute of it.  And what a beautiful night.  It was even warm!

We had a great October and are looking forward to the holidays coming up this month!