Thursday, October 11, 2012

Happy Thoughts

I know this picture isn't a great shot or great quality - but it is my two little ones playing together.  Sam playing with this little figurines making some type of noise.  Jake with his headlight on, tongue out putting together his legos.  Playing together - having fun - no fighting (at this moment).  
I've waited FIVE LONG YEARS for this to occur.  

Sewing the other night I sat back and listened to them playing in the exercise room.  They turned the elliptical into Mickey's Fun Wheel from Disneyland and were laughing and playing.  There is nothing better than sitting back and listening to your kids giggle together.  I think this may be my new favorite sound in the world.  Five years of chaos was worth the wait to have them playing happily together each day, even if its only for a few stolen minutes before the fighting starts!  


  1. they were playing really well together yesterday, was so fun to watch them...until 5:00

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
