We had a wonderful relaxing Thanksgiving weekend. We headed out Tuesday evening for the long drive to St. George. Trust me - if you don't think that is a long drive - head down with my two kids! We arrived around 11pm - and hit the sack.
We spent the weekend with my wonderful in-laws. My mother-in-law pampers us with great meals, playing with the kids, and I barely have to lift a finger....what could be better? My father in law runs around after my kids the whole weekend. I am sure he is grateful for a little peace right about now.
The kids and I hit a few quilt stores and took an afternoon nap on Wednesday while Mike and his parents golfed. I love that it was 70 degrees! As soon as they got home my MIL shooed us out the door for a little alone time. That evening we began making our Thanksgiving feast - and what a feast it was!
Thanksgiving was low key - with a great meal - yams are my favorite - fruit salad was Jake's. It couldn't have been nicer. The morning was spent watching a little football, making crete paper chains, Christmas trees and mini ornaments with Grandma, a little soccer on the patio, and a nibble here and there of a great turkey.
After our feast we headed out in the wonderful weather to a little park with the kids. I am so grateful for what a cute relationship my kids have with their grandparents. Every morning I would hear Sam fly down the stairs looking for "Pappe" as he calls Grandpa. Or Jake crawling into bed with Grandma on Friday for a little nap. I love watching their individual relationships grow.
We came home and visited with Mikes brother Steve and his wife Patty and they brought over McKinley their little grand daughter. Jake was in heaven! Sam pulled her hair once - but loved her every other minute she was there. She is so cute.
We hit up the Twilight movie on Friday which was great! I can't get her red eyes out of my head at night! I also got a little shopping in that morning. I am almost done with the shopping!
We had such a wonderful weekend and I am so lucky to have great in-laws that I love so much and are so good to us.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!
Im so sad I wasn't able to see you. But I heard Jake was adorable as always! Glad the kids had fun! See you soon!