- A packed car full of food, sewing machines, and a few clothes
- Two ipads to make the world a better place
- Bubble Guppies playing again and again and again
- A little light screaming from Sam (for an HOUR)
- Walmart stop at 10pm to buy Benedryl to ease the light screaming from Sam
- Arcades and rides all to ourselves - boys are in heaven (all 3 of them)
- Bottle of milk, pillow for Jake = QUIET from Cedar to Vegas
Do people with small children normally drive 6 hours at once? May need to rethink a planned road trip to California this summer....First road trip with Sam - glad we are here and trying not to dwell on the fact that we have to make the same drive home.
am grateful i am here. the 90's do sound heavenly though. jake, sam and i practiced "one with the sun" on wednesday in preparation for your trip. jake got into it, sam wouldn't lay still long enough to enjoy being "one". have fun!!!