I fell in love with this line. I LOVE the big BIG polka dots, the large floral, the colors. Everything about this line screams ME. I can't decide what to make out of it - and I fear before I figure it out it will be impossible to find. Any ideas?
Pine Needles had a charm pack they had cut from the fabrics, so I grab that up to make a little something to tie me over til I made a final decision on a bigger quilt. I'm loving this little baby quilt. If only I had a girl!
I don't think Mike would go for it hanging in Sam's BLUE nursery.
Maybe draped over my chair in the family room? Adds a little springy color.
Or a little table topper so I don't have to dust so much....
Or I might just look at these dots ALL DAY.
This may just end up in my Etsy Store to help pay for the big quilt once I can decide what to do. I've gotta go with big bold blocks to showcase the fabric. If you have any ideas let me know!
this is one of my VERY favorites ever. so springy and fun for baby showers, girls luncheons or mother's day gifts. i really adore it. it totally deserves a good home. p.s. this isn't a hint or anything. xo.