Friday, September 10, 2010

Fall Tribute

Every year my mom would break out the fall decorations and change the house up a bit for fall.  We started referring to this tradition as Fall Tribute (or "Tribute" for short). 

I've continued this tradition in my own house, and I have to say its one of my favorites!  Here are a few pictures of what Tribute looks like at my house this year.


  1. Love the fall decorations. My mantle is pathetic, I like the look of everyone else's mantles filled to capacity, but for some reason, when I try that look, I think it looks messy. I have two things on my mantle. Yours looks wonderful.

  2. Love your fall decor and love the Halloween quilt from a couple posts back! Love your stuff!

  3. I'm so glad 'tribute' has become a tradition!
