Monday, April 26, 2010

Menu Mondays

So any weight I've lost, I pretty much gained back between my trip and the last week or two.  We had my in-laws over for dinner on Tuesday.  My mother in law makes the best pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.  They are Mike's favorite.  I usually can usually eat one and be done, but something about this batch.  I probably had 3 that night!  My parents came over for dinner on Thursdsay and my mom brought strawberry shortcake.  So my attempt at cookiing us all healthy meals did no good when adding in dessert.

I also had an eating fest yesterday that could make anyone sick, so I've GOT TO BE GOOD this week!  The weather is turning, the pool will soon be heated, I've got to start looking like I'm not pregnant anymore!  So here is this weeks menu.

Monday - Chinese Chicken Salad
Tuesday - Grilled orange chicken w/ roasted cauliflower and zucchini
Wednesday - Skillet lasagna (still haven't made it)
Thursday - Fish Tacos
Friday - Filets and veggies

1 comment:

  1. between the trip to florida, eating at your house, baking cupcakes and cookies with jake, going out to dinner with jim, well i've gained a pound or two myself. guess i'll join you in the eating healthy and less.
